Showing 13–16 of 16 results

€1,573.17Train the upper and mid back while fully supporting the torso. Price does not include olympic bar or olympic plates. Contact us for any of the Raze products lead time info confirmation. Features • Fixed bar hooks allow for 4 different start positions Specifications L: 1575mm x W: 1440mm x H:1000mm Weight: 68kg

€1,653.12The Reverse Hyper Bench is regarded by many strength coaches as being the best lower back, hamstring, and glute exercise.This is because it allows you to train all these muscles in unison.This is important because the muscles of the posterior chain are the same muscles responsible for running and jumping. The Reverse Hyper decompresses the spine but does not…

€1,216.47The RAZE Shadow Series Adjustable Bench is a real workhorse of a bench that’s been installed in many elite training facilities up and down the country. Highly versatile, with 9 position backrest and independent 3 position seat adjustment – goes from decline, through to flat, and all the way up to 85 degrees Tapered seat…

€3,295.17A comprehensive and inclusive machine for optimally developing the posterior chain. British built, mild steel construction with durable custom upholstery. Innovative adjustable pad design offers numerous activity positions in addition to the traditional Ham Glute Bench exercises. Please call us regarding any of the Raze products for confirmed lead times before placing an order on one or…
These are a range or Weight Benches availabe from our Online Store based in Wexford Ireland, from dumbbell benches to others that are usable for so much more. Have a look at the range and feel free to make contact wih us on some ideas you may have for your gym/club or home gym or pt.